The Goldstein Group Website
200 listings converted, awesome site look, featured properties added and yes I can manage it myself. Yay!
Challenge: The client had a site that was about 10 years old. It did not have an updated listings service and no-one could easily edit the content.
Solution: We took their logo and branded the site from that. Looking at the strokes of the logo and their Gold level of service we redesigned the site from the bottom up adding a custom professional listing service that had mapping capabilities. Now that the site was in WordPress the marketing manager could update the listings on the site and add a pdf as well. The Listings development we added allowed the ability to show listings just by submarket.
Results: The marketing manager manages the site solely on her own now that she has the capability of a true content management website through WordPress.
TYPE: Website Design, Website Development, Listings Creation
CLIENT: The Goldstein Group
DATE: October 2013