Build Meaningful Relationships Across All Social Media Platforms

We strategically plan content management and social media campaigns so your customers and prospects can have one unified view of your brand. Alongside targeting research we work with you to effectively get the word out about your company’s new products, services or specials, news, happenings and blogs via all social media channels including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, etc.

Do you have question? Call us at 973-655-9396.


  • 15 posts a week
  • Reporting


  • 30 post a week
  • Reporting
  • 2-hour video production time in the studio (to create 2 videos)
  • 2 recorded and edited “episodes” (up to 10 minutes)
  • Animated video intro
  • Optional addons for still images
  • Social media response manual
  • Monitoring and responding
  • Photo retouching